json2smtp - send emails using json


json2smtp.net service allows sending emails using json structure. It functions as a proxy between json and smtp and allows to connect the smtp server using json.

How it works

Simple calling diagram

Simple call diagram of json2smtp proxy for sending email using json and connection to smtp server

Try it now:

curl -X POST \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d '{
"from": "john doe <john@example.com&rt;",
"to": ["kermit@muppets.com", "oneperson@ex",
"to": ["kermit@muppets.com", "oneperson@example.com"],
"cc": ["email1@example.com"],
"bcc": ["secret@example.com"],
"subject": "email subject line",
"message": "message body in text/html to be sent",
"attachments": {
		"filename.pdf": "base64 file encoded",
		"anotherfilename.txt": "base64 file encoded"},
"smtphost": "smtp.example.com",
"smtpport": 587,
"smtpuser": "username",
"smtppassword": "password"
 }' \


In order to send attachments with your json email struct you need to construct an object of base64 encoded string of your binary file.

Example of json2smtp call using php

See an example of how to call json2smtp server for sending email.
PHP example - json2smtp call on github


Free plan

  • 5 emails per day
  • All commands available
Price: $0 USD

$5.99 USD per month

  • 1000 emails per day
  • All commands available
$69 USD / Paid yearly

$5.99 USD per month

  • 1000 emails per day
  • All commands available
  • Support for web2mail
  • No web2mail ads
  • Response up to 1 min
$69 USD / Paid yearly

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is exactly json2smtp?

json2smtp simplifies connecting to smtp servers and bypass the need of old legacy software to implement ssl tls 1.2 - it allows sending emails using json protocol by creating a proxy of json to smtp.

json2smtp is based on an opensource project json2smtp on github and maintained here: c2kb.com/json2smtp

What is the price of json2smtp?

It is free for the first 5 emails per day. It cost just $5.99 USD per month for sending 1000 emails per day

Are there any other projects regarding email tools?

Yes there are:
1. web2mail.cloud - an email service to receive a webpage screenshot or pdf by email
2. email2json.com - service to receive email as webhook

How can I contact support if needed?

Very easy, just email to: support (at) json2smtp.com and we will reply as soon as we can

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